Sunday, July 26, 2015

Obamacare created Monopolies of Big Business

"Anthem Inc. has just announced a $54 billion acquisition of Cigna that will allow the Blue Cross operator to pass Kaiser Permanente as the largest health insurer in the State of California.
Sold to the public as a way to increase competition and save the average American family $2,500 a year, Obamacare actually created monopoly
pricing for the insurance industry that allowed premiums to rise by $2,500 and tripled the value of their stocks.
The Affordable Care Act (ACA), referred to as Obamacare, has spurred monopolistic concentration in the American health care industry. The five major insurers will soon be down to three, and doctors and hospital providers are also merging into large regional health systems directly associated with hospitals that now dominate local markets.
The driving force behind this concentration is Obamacare’s regulatory structure, which provides lucrative subsidies from other insured patients to pay for the Medicaid expansion. This system gives incumbent general hospitals with high Medicaid patient flow revenue advantages over less expensive specialty facilities. Any business sheltered from competition tends to accumulate higher profits and overhead costs.
Kaiser Permanente is currently the largest health care insurer in California with 7.8 million members, or 35 percent of the market. Its health maintenance organization (HMO) design has been a popular option for many large employers and effective signing up new members from California’s Obamacare exchange." Breitbart

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