Thursday, July 23, 2015

Graham's Phone Response to Trump (YAWN)

"South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham is taking his frustrations with Donald Trump out on his old cellphone after the billionaire businessman was responsible for an influx of calls.
The latest throw-down between the GOP presidential hopefuls was ratcheted up Tuesday when Trump, speaking in Graham's home state, slammed the senator as a "stiff," a "lightweight" and an "idiot" and gave out Graham's personal cellphone number to attendees.

After Trump gave out the phone number on Tuesday, Graham immediately started getting
thousands of calls. His voicemail quickly filled up, and by that evening, the children of his friend, Sen. Kelly Ayotte, R-N.H., were answering it on their way to see the Minions movie with him at a Georgetown theater.
The surge prompted Graham — who famously still uses a flip phone — to ask if it was time to abandon the device in favor of a smartphone.

Graham found plenty of different ways to destroy his old phone. The dramatically filmed video titled, "How to Destroy Your Cell Phone With Sen. Lindsey Graham," shows him taking a meat cleaver to a blue Verizon Samsung flip phone, dropping it in a blender, putting it in a toaster oven — with Bagel Bites, hitting it with a golf club and dropping it off a building." NPR

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