Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Liberal makes case for - Trump?

"Like the other candidates he opposes marriage equality, but hasn’t advocated for a constitutional
amendment banning the practice, as many others do. He opposes increasing the minimum wage, but hasn’t proposed getting rid of it like Scott Walker.
On other issues, Trump’s view are significantly more progressive than others in the field:

Trump Opposes Cuts To Social Security, Medicare And Medicaid

Trump has strongly criticized the rest of the Republican field for advocating deep cuts to programs relied upon by the elderly, the disabled, and the poor. In April at the New Hampshire Republican Leadership Summit Trump said that he was “disappointed with a lot of the Republican politicians.”
Every Republican wants to do a big number on Social Security, they want to do it on Medicare, they want to do it on Medicaid. And we can’t do that. And it’s not fair to the people that have been paying in for years and now all of the sudden they want to be cut,” Trump said.
Jeb Bush, a favorite of the Republican establishment, quietly proposed this week that Medicare — a program relied upon by millions of people — be “phased out.” Virtually the entire Republican field supports reducing entitlement programs through cuts, privatization, or both.

Trump Supports Universal Health Care

Trump would not be leading the Republican field if he didn’t support the repeal of Obamacare. But he has also talked for years about the need for universal health care.
Confronted last week about his position by conservative radio host John Fredericks, Trump stuck to his guns. “We have to help them out. And I would make deals with hospitals, and I’d make deals with people where they can get some care, John. I mean, you can’t have a guy that has no money, that’s sick, and he can’t go see a doctor, he can’t go see a hospital. You know, I just don’t think you can have that,” Trump said.

Trump Opposed The Iraq War
Trump was an early and vocal opponent of the Iraq war.
Look, the war is a disaster. The war should not have been entered into,” he told the Dallas Morning News in a July 2003 interview.


Trump is presenting himself as a “conservative Republican” and, in many respects, that is an accurate description of his politics. But he also isn’t hiding the fact that he is not a doctrinaire. He recently said that, out of the last four presidents, Bill Clinton was his favorite.

 Political opponents initially “dismissed [Ronald] Reagan as a lightweight—an opinion based almost solely on the fact that he was an actor.” He went on to be Governor of California and one of the most popular Republican presidents in history.
The truth is no one actually knows who will win the Republican nomination. People will crunch the numbers and try to make predictions based on what has happened in the past, but the past is not the future. Before Barack Obama, we had never had a black president.
No one really explains why Trump is less qualified to be president than Ted Cruz, Rick Santorum, or Carly Fiorina. Nor is it clear why extremist rhetoric should be viewed as more disqualifying than extremist policies. Is it really better to have a president with more radical ideas, expressed politely?"

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