Friday, July 31, 2015

Catholic Leader gets Nasty with Trump

"This week, Cardinal Timothy Dolan took to the New York Daily News to write an incoherent and defamatory political hit piece against Donald Trump.

As a Catholic priest, I can only say it is embarrassing to have a Cardinal so blatantly and unfairly trying to associate Mr. Trump with the worst kinds of racism imaginable. I offer an apology on behalf of so many Catholics who are outraged by the dirty politics of Cardinal Dolan.

Ever so “cleverly,” Dolan makes clear that in his opinion Trump is the revival of nativism, “an organized, white, Protestant antagonism towards the Catholic immigrant,” which for Dolan is just a
more recent incarnation of the KKK and other racist organizations–an absurd claim–and perhaps one of the most ignorant statements and mean-spirited remarks I have ever seen a bishop state publicly. The more than clear implication by Dolan that Trump is a white supremacist reaches levels of defamation that even the most liberal media has not dare trod.

Dolan should perhaps realize that the continued race bating in this country by President Obama and others is immoral and destructive to the social fabric of our nation. For Dolan to join the base ranks of the peddlers of hate, dividing Catholics and Protestants, blacks and white, the poor and the rich as well as Americans from immigrants is intellectually dishonest. Dolan’s words are unbecoming of a bishop and are not factual.

Dolan who is quick to claim that he is not telling people who they should not vote for, provides the usual vacuous caveat only after he has done all the damage. This is the same bishop who is silent about the recently revealed atrocities of Planned Parenthood, who did little to defend marriage and has done absolutely nothing about pro abortion politicians in his diocese receiving communion and remaining falsely in good standing in the Catholic Church.

Dolan laments that he is not still teaching in college his absurd nativist ideology. I can only say I am relieved for those who would be subjected to his indoctrination, lamentably he has free rein to attack Republicans in the public square.

Dolan is not known for his intellectual depth but his aides should consider reading over his pubic statements to spare American Catholics some embarrassment. Dolan seems jovially unaware of the social unrest that lax immigration laws are causing in France, England and other nations in Europe. It is not Catholic or Christian to advocate for irresponsible immigration. Immigration to be of any help to immigrants and the host country, requires order,
knowledge and balance.

Dolan who is also not known for his humility and mercy will likely never apologize, but he should.

If Dolan were to say something sensible about politics to Catholics he should perhaps state the obvious: no Catholic in good conscience can vote for the Democratic party, a party that supports funding Planned Parenthood, opposes marriage, and is seen to be devastating the social fabric of this nation while bringing economic ruin to a once prosperous country.

Truth be told, Dolan who has been busy closing numerous Catholic parishes in New York and selling valuable Catholic real estate, could frankly use Trump’s business acumen advice." Breitbart

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