Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Two Obama-supporting California cities approve of Donald Trump’s Muslim immigrant ban

"The automated polling firm SurveyUSA just completed two surveys in cities near San Bernardino, with a focus on Donald Trump's declaration that the United States should block any Muslims from entering the country. SurveyUSA talked to people in San Diego, at the very bottom of the state,
where voters in 2012 supported Barack Obama over Mitt Romney by more than seven points. They also polled people in Fresno and Visalia, up in the Central Valley, where Obama only barely won more votes than Romney. In California politics, these are relatively moderate and relatively conservative regions, respectively.
And in both places, the majority of adults polled supported Trump's proposal.
In fact, more than a third of adults in both cities strongly agreed with the idea that Muslim should be barred from entering the country. In both places, more people strongly agreed with the idea than strongly disagreed. There was a partisan split, but even among Democrats, more than a quarter of those answering the poll strongly agreed with Trump's idea." WP

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