Tuesday, December 15, 2015

RUSH on Jeb Bush

The Guy at 3% Can Beat Hillary, But the Guy at 40% Can't?
"RUSH: Yesterday in the Las Vegas Review-Journal website, the newspaper out there. They released a video of an interview they did with Jeb, and this is one of the excerpts. It's just 16 seconds of Jeb
on Trump.
JEBHe's not a serious person.  He's a masterful politician.  He... As I've described it, he uses dog whistle language to divide the country.  I cannot imagine Donald Trump becoming president because he would never win.  He would never win.  Hillary Clinton would clean him.
RUSH:  Yeah, I... Here again, you know, they're making this kind of easy for me.  The guy that's beating everybody can't win, is what they're saying.  The guy with 3% says this guy at 41% can't win, implying that he can.  If Trump can't win, why can't any of you guys beat him?  What it is, again... I don't mean to overdo this.  But common sense.  And dividing people?  Would one of you in the Republican establishment ever just once say it about Obama so that we can at least applaud you one time?" RUSH Limbaugh

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