Friday, December 4, 2015

Istvan {Transhumanist Presidential Candidate} church tour

Zoltan Istvan: I Visited One of the Largest Megachurches in the US as an Atheist Transhumanist Presidential Candidate — Here’s What Happened
"As part of my 2016 US Presidential campaign representing the transhumanist party, I’ve spent much of the last month in America’s highly religious South, traversing the Bible Belt and spreading the news that soon radical science and technology will overcome biological death.

My coffin-shaped bus recently made a visit to Alabama’s Church of the Highlands. This nondenominational Christian megachurch, which has a dozen campuses and 32,000 members, is the largest church in the state.
Pastor Kyle Cantrell first encountered my crew and I while we were checking out the massive speaking pulpit where Sunday services are held.
Because I’m an atheist presidential candidate, my wife is a physician at Planned Parenthood, and I endorse microchipping humans for a variety of reasons (I have a chip implant myself), I was thankful my small traveling crew was treated so well.Pastor Cantrell took us to the main chapel — which is separate from the Sunday service auditoriums — and I pressed him with questions about how technology might affect religion in the future.
One topic we discussed in detail was virtual reality. I asked him if he thought it might be used in teaching people about God. He told me he couldn’t see any reason why virtual reality couldn’t be used to facilitate Christian understanding and preaching. Cantrell seemed to think it might especially be useful for the physically disabled who might not otherwise be able to easily make it into the church." IPR

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