Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Trump ‘Hijacked The Democrat Convention’ With Press Conference

"Limbaugh began his show arguing, “I don’t think I’ve ever seen what I just saw… Donald Trump just hijacked the Democrat convention after the biggest night of that convention so far.”
He just concluded a freewheeling, no-holds-barred, no-controls-on-the-media, "Whatever you want to ask me, ask me," press conference the day after the supposedly biggest event yet in the Democrat
National Convention. He just totally hijacked it, and he was brilliant.  He was on his game.  This was the Trump from last fall.  He was confident, he was hilarious, he was taking no BS from anyone in the media. He was challenging Hillary to do the same thing and calling her out, saying she hasn't done a press conference in over a year. 
And she can't do what Trump did today.  Hillary Clinton intellectually, personality-wise, is not capable.
It just has the media outraged. 
"Mr. Trump! Mr. Trump! Do you have a relationship with the Russians?  Do you have any relationship to the hack?  Are you...? Are you...? Are you having any relationship with Russians?"  Trump said, "I don't have any investments in Russia. I sold a guy a house. I sold a Russian oligarch a house in Palm Beach. I bought the place for $40 million and I flipped it for $100 million. It was a great deal, but I don't have any investments." But then he said, "I really hope the Russians can find Hillary's emails." 
And you should have seen the explosion in the aftermath on cable networks of the roundtable discussions, particularly on CNN. They could barely keep everybody on camera.  They were jumping out of their seats like they were jacks-in-the-box.  "I can't believe what he just said!  He just said that he hopes the Russians intercede in the presidential election!  That's unbelievable!  I can't believe what I just saw!" 
One girl that was supporting Clinton just went absolutely bonkers over that.  They don't know how to deal with this.  They've never... The Democrats and the media, they've never had to deal with anything like this. 
What Trump said during his press conference... He said, "Russia, if you're listening, I hope you're able to find the 30,000 Hillary emails that were missing." 
The thing about it is Trump is putting 'em all on. He's laughing silently with all of this stuff, and they're buying it! They have no sense of humor, particularly when you're laughing at them, when you're mocking. They can't... They have no tolerance. The party of tolerance and compassion, the party of Jon Stewart and all these mean-spirited media people, they can't take one-tenth of it tossed back to 'em.
And so here's Trump basically mocking them.  It's the media that doesn't care about Hillary's emails.  It's the FBI that didn't care about Hillary's emails.  And Trump knows that everybody knows that.  Trump knows that everybody thinks that Hillary's getting away with committing a crime that nobody else could get away with.  So Trump is saying, "Russia, I hope you can find these missing emails." DailyCaller

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