Friday, June 26, 2015

Beck on Gay Marriage

"Glenn Beck said Friday that the Supreme Court ruling that same-sex couples have the right to get married anywhere in the United States “is going to change everything.”
Beck has repeatedly said he believes the government should have no hand in marriage, and if a
church wants to marry a gay couple, it should have the right to do so. But he also doesn’t believe a church should be forced to marry a gay couple, or that people of faith should be forced to be involved in gay weddings.
Beck expressed particular concern for the churches that say “I’m going to read the Bible as it’s written” and opt not to perform gay weddings. If nothing else, he said, they could be compared to the Westboro Baptist Church and lose their tax-exempt status.
Just so you know, the family has been officially and will now be officially redesigned. It has to be defined differently,” Beck added. “The term ‘mom and dad’ in the traditional family is over. Now you’re parent one and parent two.
Beck said the fundamental transformation of America that President Barack Obama promised the nation “is here,” and “we are no longer a country that is following the Constitution of the United States of America.”
Things are going to happen, like somebody is going to sue a church. ‘You have to now marry me.’  It’s going to open up the floodgates.” GlennBeck

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