Thursday, August 4, 2016

Washington Post caught distorting Hillary / Buffet Turnout

"NEBRASKA - Outraged voters have called out Washington Post national political reporter Abby
D. Phillip for biased reporting. Internet users claim the journalist is blatantly shilling for Hillary Clinton. Phillip posted a photo to twitter saying: "Big, boisterous crowd here in Omaha for Hillary Clinton and Warren Buffett." The image appears to have been taken from a deceptive angle or heavily cropped to make the photo look like it was taken in a packed room. 
Twitter user @Z3pp3in posted a followup photo saying: "@CNNPolitics Are you reporting on the 50 people who showed up to Hillary rally in Omaha today?" The tweet showed the actually size of the Hillary's crowd which was dramatically smaller than the Washington Times reporter reported." CP 

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