Friday, August 19, 2016

Trump’s town hall hosted by Hannity [Highlights]

"SEAN HANNITY, HOST:  And joining us now here in Milwaukee, 2016 Republican presidential nominee, Donald Trump is with us.
HANNITY:  You know, I which had very closely your speech yesterday and you were very, very frank and you talked about this being literally -- this death -- ideology of death must be stopped.  You talked about San Bernardino.  You talked about Orlando.  You talked about Chattanooga.  You talked about Paris, uh, France, Germany, Belgium, all of this terror.  That's just from this summer.
Is this a war, a clash of civilizations?

DONALD TRUMP (R), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE:  Absolutely it is.  And we're not taking it, uh, we're not taking it to them and we have to take it to them.  You know, I didn't want to go into Iraq, I said, now he's a civilian, so I would say not too many people cared what I wanted to do.
But that was a terrible mistake.  Our terrible mistake number two was getting out the way we got out.  President Obama, Hillary Clinton, the way they got out was absolutely insane.  It will be talked about for many, many years and it really led to the formation of ISIS.

Uh, we have problems in this country.  We're letting thousands and thousands of people come into our country.  We have no idea who they are, where they come from.  There's no paperwork.  Nobody knows what they're doing.  And they're coming in by the thousands.
And Hillary Clinton, it was announced recently that she wants to allow 550 percent more coming into our country from Syria, from the migration than Obama is allowing to come in.

HANNITY:  I want to get into this, because this is a really important question.
You talked about countries that live under Sharia and about people that want to come here from countries.  If you go -- grow up, for example, in Saudi Arabia...

TRUMP:  Right.
HANNITY:  -- which gave The Clinton Foundation up to $25 million, The Clinton Library...
HANNITY:  -- $10 million, it -- OK.  And I can't find any -- I can't find any instances where Hillary criticized them.  Women can't drive.  Women are told how to dress.  Women are told if they can go to school or if they can go to work.  Uh, we know that gays and lesbians in Saudi Arabia can get the death penalty.  You can't build a -- a Jewish temple.  There's a guy over here with a sign that says, "Jews for Trump!"
HANNITY:  And -- and you can't build a Christian church.
HANNITY:  Would you have a -- would you ever take money from a country that treats gays, lesbians, Jews and Christians that way?
TRUMP:  Well, you don't want to do that and...
HANNITY:  And women?
TRUMP:  -- and if they knew about it, that would be one thing.  And I assume they knew about it big league.  But certainly they know about it now, so maybe they can give the money back.
I've -- I've actually called...

TRUMP:  Well, you know, look, uh, there's a whole big phony deal going on.  And I have to say, when we were talking about Benghazi, uh, the end, I don't know if everybody remembers it.  I remember it.  At 3:00 in the morning, essentially, who do you want to be at that phone at 3:00 in the morning?" WashingtonTimes

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