Friday, May 27, 2016

La Riva (PSL candidate) Joins Verizon Strikers

"As a worker, CWA member, life-long unionist and a presidential candidate, I salute
and stand 100% behind the Verizon strikers. They are not just fighting to defend their own hard-fought wages and benefits from being driven downward and eliminated. They are fighting for the dignity and living conditions of all workers and their families.
Verizon made $39 billion in profits the last three years! Now they want to outsource operations and move jobs to lower-wage regions to make even MORE profits.
Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are two candidates of the billionaire class.
Clinton claims to be on the side of the strikers. Why doesn't she put her money where her mouth is, and give the $225,000 she recently took from Verizon executives for "a speech" into the strike fund?
Trump, an anti-union hotel owner, opportunistically talks about the evils of outsourcing and says he'll "make America great again." But he has held his tongue when 39,000 workers do battle right in front of him with a company that is bent on outsourcing their jobs and eliminating their economic stability. Both these candidates have confirmed whether they really stand: with corporate America." PSL

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