Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Christie hits Paul hard

"If there is another terrorist attack against the United States, Chris Christie says Rand Paul should
be called before Congress to answer for it.
People are really worried about ISIS, they’re worried about the threat of terrorism, and that’s why what Rand Paul has done to make this country weaker and more vulnerable is a terrible thing. And for him to raise money off of it? It’s disgraceful,” the New Jersey governor and Republican presidential candidate said on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” Monday. “He should be in hearings in front of Congress if there’s another attack, not the director of the FBI or the director of the CIA.”
The Kentucky senator and fellow GOP hopeful has been one of the most vocal opponents of the National Security Agency’s controversial collection of telephone metadata, recently leading a successful push in the Senate that resulted in the temporary expiration of surveillance programs approved under the Patriot Act. Paul’s campaign proudly sells his cheekily branded “NSA spy cam blockers” among the merchandise on its website." yahoo

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