Friday, May 20, 2016

Juanita Broaddrick Is Grateful Trump Used The ‘R’ Word

"The real “War on Women” ?
Hillary’s attempts to destroy the women who accused Bill of sexual harassment, and yes… rape.
And shame on noted Hillary water-carrier Andrea Mitchell for referring to these sexual harassment accusations as “discredited.”
Via American Mirror.
Juanita Broaddrick was overcome with emotion when she heard Donald Trump talking about her accusations against Bill Clinton.
When I heard Mr. Trump utter the word ‘rape’ when referring to me, I cried,” Broaddrick tells The American Mirror.
It is difficult for me to say the ‘R’ word. Most of the time I say sexual assault, but it was RAPE. I am grateful to him for not shying away from the correct terminology to describe the most horrific event in my life,” she says….
Broaddrick has accused then-Arkansas Attorney General Bill Clinton of raping her in a Little Rock hotel room in 1978." TammyBruce

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