Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Final Debate

"The debate in Las Vegas, moderated by Fox News’ Chris Wallace, started with a measured
discussion on policy disputes ranging from gun rights to abortion to immigration. But it ended with the candidates hurling a grab-bag of accusations and insults at each other.
Trump called Clinton a “nasty woman.” Clinton called Trump the “most dangerous” person to run for president in modern history.
The most pointed moment came when Trump – who for weeks has warned of a “rigged” election – was asked whether he will commit to accept the results of the election.
I will look at it at the time,” Trump said, citing his concerns about voter registration fraud, a “corrupt media” and an opponent he claimed “shouldn’t be allowed to run” because she committed a “very serious crime” with her emails.
Clinton delivered a sharp rejoinder: “That’s horrifying.” FOX

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