Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Union bosses told by Dems to LIE to their Workers

"Teamsters Legislative Representative Michael Dolan, clearly admits his group lies to union workers about candidates in order to help get them elected.
The secret video was recorded by Project Veritas this past September during a closed-room strategy meeting held between Democratic pollster Celinda Lake and union reps at Communications Workers
of America (CWA).
At one point Lake even calls the reps “trusted messengers.”
CWA had hired Lake’s firm, Lake Research Partners, to poll independent voters in swing states. In the video, Lake can be heard discussing the dismal poll results with the group, who apparently all got the day off to come to the meeting.
We’re all excused from our day jobs right now, we have our partisan hats on, Democrats are 11 points behind Republicans on the economy right now. We are 7 points behind the Republicans on jobs. We’ve never won a presidential election, never in the history since we’ve done polling data, that we weren’t even on that. We are in trouble,” said Lake.
Lake can then be heard telling the teamsters how they could help Hillary and the flailing senate candidates…..by lying to their members.
You are not going to lie to them about how their pensions work and stuff like that, and risking things on Wall Street and loopholes. You might lie to them about whether someone is really good on their guns or something like that. You might lie to them about….,” explained Lake." CT

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