Monday, July 13, 2015

Walker In!!!

"Scott Walker made it official today, jumping into the race for the White House as the 15th declared Republican candidate.
After a great deal of thought and a whole lot of prayer, we are so honored to have you join with us today as we announce that I am officially running to serve as your President of the United States of America,” the two-term Wisconsin governor told a packed house gathered at the Waukesha County
Expo Center in Wisconsin for his formal announcement event -- the same place where he declared victory following a recall election in 2012 and sealed his rise to national acclaim as the only governor in U.S. history ever to withstand a recall.
Walker, 47, joins a crowded field or Republican competitors but already assumes frontrunner status in the important first-in-the-nation contest state of Iowa, where he has led every major poll since February following a breakout speech at the Iowa Freedom Summit in January.
The most recent Quinnipiac University poll showed Walker polling a solid 8 points ahead of his closest competitors with 18 percent of likely Republican caucus-goers favoring Walker." ABC

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