Wednesday, November 2, 2016

MSNBC host Matthews makes case for - Trump?

"On Monday’s episode of Hardball, Matthews said that Trump isn’t campaigning properly. He calls out the Republican candidate for not giving a convincing enough argument to voters to support him, so the MSNBC host lists reasons why people should vote for the billionaire,
“Why isn’t he spending every hour asking the voters again and again,” Matthews said. “Do you like
the way things are, the way they’ve been headed in this country? Do you like to continue the destruction of our manufacturing base, and the jobs that went with it? Do you like the uncontrolled illegal immigration? Do you like the string of stupid wars from Iraq to Libya to Syria?”
“If you want to say yes to all of that, you want to keep all this the way it is, vote for Hillary Clinton,” he continued. “If you don’t like the way things have been headed you got a chance to really shake the system to its roots. And if you wake up the day after the election and it’s the same as it is today, if it’s the same 4 or 5 or 8 years from now, remember you had the chance to change it, but you were too dainty to do it.” PJ

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