Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Hillary Campaign in Trouble?

"One expert believes Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign is "sinking like a rock."

During an appearance on Newsmax TV's "Newsmax Prime," John Zogby of Zogby Analytics tells host J.D. Hayworth Clinton's stock is plummeting.

"Both her and her campaign are in trouble," Zogby says. "The very fact that there was a modest sort of acknowledgement of that really should reflect the fact that it's a much bigger problem. Not only for her, but for the party at this point and time. She is frankly sinking like a rock."

Zogby doesn't think Sanders will be the Democratic nominee for president, however.

"Bernie Sanders is playing the would-be Elizabeth Warren role. He is the progressive with flesh and bones," Zogby says. "Essentially, he's not a very appealing persona."

"It is the progressive wing of the Democratic Party and right now they see an alternative to Hillary and that's what he is. An alternative to Hillary and already he's increasing his support. Will he be the nominee? Oh, probably not. Will he go to the end? Probably not. What you'll see sooner rather than later is somebody jumping into the race that can really not only electrify that base of the party, but give Hillary the real run and she should be worried."

Zogby adds that Vice President Joe Biden and Secretary of State John Kerry are two names who may throw themselves into the campaign.

Zogby also discussed Republican candidate Donald Trump during the segment, saying the real estate mogul is "not a serious candidate."

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