Thursday, July 16, 2015

Biden could beat Hillary? Maybe?

"A July 9th national poll by Monmouth University shows that 56% of Democratic primary voters
would be “very” or “somewhat” likely to “consider supporting Biden for the nomination over your current choice” if he enters the race.
.....they asked the votes who were not voting for Biden (87% of the sample) “Joe Biden has not yet indicated whether he intends to run. If Biden does get into the race, how likely would you be to consider supporting him for the nomination over your current choice?” The results are a real boost to Biden’s chances:
• Already for Biden = 13%
• Very likely to switch = 12%
• Somewhat likely to switch = 31%
• Not too likely = 19%
• Not at all likely = 19%
• Undecided = 6%

When you drill down, Hillary’s unshakeable base in the Democratic Primary is only 38% (those who said it was not likely that they would switch)." DickMorris

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