Thursday, July 16, 2015

Hillary protested in N.H. by liberals

"DOVER, New Hampshire – Hillary Clinton’s first New Hampshire town hall of her second
presidential campaign was interrupted by climate protesters here on Thursday.
As Clinton took questions from the audience on a range of issues, from the nuclear deal with Iran to “annoying” telemarketing calls, two young women pressed the Democratic candidate on whether she would commit to banning fossil fuel extraction on public lands.
Clinton said that while she believes “climate change is an existential threat,” she could not commit to banning extraction on public lands until there were “responsible alternatives” in place to keep the economy moving. She vowed to invest in finding those alternatives, but said it was not realistic to ban extraction now.
When the second young woman, University of New Hampshire  junior Giselle Hart, pressed Clinton on the issue for a second time, she began chanting “act on climate!” as six other protesters emerged to chant the same. Two of the protesters unfurled a banner reading “Ban extraction on public land.” msnbc

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