Friday, May 20, 2016

Whitaker switches to run as Independent (from the American Freedom Party)

"The Whitaker for President Campaign continues and it surges forward.
At the beginning of April Bob Whitaker and his then VP Tom Bowie made the decision to leave the American Freedom Party (AFP) due to the fact that the party was going off message.
The AFP’s whole approach is to get media attention, any media attention, but it doesn’t matter the ineffectiveness of the media reports. They also decided to moderate the message, choosing to go with “Physical Administrative Removal of Peoples of European Extraction”, instead of our most effective and VIRAL meme to date, WHITE GENOCIDE.
But Bob and his team didn’t want to stop there, since we have achieved so much exposure to White Genocide with Bob running for President.
Bob is now running an independent campaign, with no party affiliation and no VP. Tom Bowie has decided to stay on with the AFP. He is now their presidential candidate.
With Bob still being a candidate, we get all the same candidate benefits as an independent. We still get the “Equal Access Broadcasting” rights.
So we plan to use those rights.
With donations to Bob’s campaign we will be able to do more robocalls and reach hundreds of thousands of people with our message, while gaining considerable media attention at the same time.
With the equal access broadcasting rights, we also get radio ads for $10 per 30 seconds. These we can’t start until four months prior to the general election. Robocalls we can do now." A3PR

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