Sunday, January 10, 2016

New Cruz ad on Immigration

"Ted Cruz has released a hilarious new ad that takes aim at illegal immigration. The ad is a take on Senator Cruz’ statement that left-wing rhetoric on the illegal immigration crisis would be much different if those entering the country were taking the jobs of the liberal elite.
The Cruz campaign says of the ad:
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The Cruz for President campaign today announced a new TV ad, “Invasion”, highlighting the impact of illegal immigration on American jobs. The ad makes the point by showing men and women dressed in business clothes running across the border as Cruz describes how the immigration debate would take on a different tone if those illegally entering the country were taking the jobs of lawyers, bankers, or journalists.
Cruz notes that as President he will triple the border patrol, build a wall that works, and make securing the border a top priority. The ad will run statewide in New Hampshire beginning January 5." Hannity

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