Sunday, January 10, 2016

Matthews Plays Softball with Hillary

"The former Slate and National Review writer added that, even on a substantive question about the difference between a Democrat and a socialist, Clinton gave a poor answer that was only saved by Matthews giving her a pass:
The only real standout moment was when he said her a question she was coming, what’s the difference between a Democrat and a socialist and her answer was a I'm a progressive Democrat who wants to see things change. That's not an answer to the question, not even remotely and he let her get away with it. I thought it was perplexing. 
Kurtz brought Schlapp into the fray by alluding to a portion in which Matthews referred to her as a hero to women following the Lewinsky scandal, which then allowed Schalpp to quip that it felt like it was the president of NOW giving the interview to Hillary Clinton as opposed to Chris Matthews.” MediaBuzz

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