Sunday, January 10, 2016

Carson, Trump, Huckabee, Santorum Question Cruz's Religion

"The campaign spokesman for Ben Carson, an avowed Seventh Day Adventist, questioned whether
Cruz’s faith was “authentic”, saying, “There are a lot of people who talk a good game about their faith, including Mr. Trump and Mr. Cruz — Dr. Carson lives it.” Meanwhile, Rick Santorum declared last month that Cruz is only posturing as a social conservative — particularly on issues dear to evangelicals such as opposition to same-sex marriage — and Mike Huckabee published a blog post attacking the religious credibility of an unnamed candidate heavily implied to be Cruz, saying, “Conservatives are being asked to ‘coalesce’ around yet another corporately-funded candidate that says something very different at a big donor fundraiser in Manhattan than at a church in Marshalltown.”
Donald Trump, who still leads most national polls, also cast doubt on the senator’s religious claims by mocking his Cuban heritage during a December campaign event." ThinkProgress

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