Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Trump-less Republican Forum

"In Mr. Trump’s absence — he skipped the event, saying it was not worth his time — the candidates
filled two hours with credentials and boasts that he could not match. They touted their experience balancing big state budgets (Gov. Scott Walker of Wisconsin and Gov. John Kasich of Ohio), their military service (Mr. Graham) and their middle-class roots (Carly Fiorina.)
 Rick Perry, the former governor of Texas, said he had looked President Obama in the eye and warned, “Mr. President, if you don’t secure the border, Texas will.” He listed the security measures he favored for stemming the flow of illegal immigrants, from air patrols of the border 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to a stronger fence in certain places.
 Three of the senators who participated — Ted Cruz of Texas, Rand Paul of Kentucky and Marco Rubio of Florida — did so from a studio in Washington, where they stayed so they could vote for stripping Planned Parenthood of its federal funding. (The vote failed in a Democratic-led filibuster.)
 Former Gov. George Pataki of New York was mid-sentence — “By the way, Jack” — when the moderator cut him off. He reacted with surprise, stood up and walked off.
 Gov. Bobby Jingal of Louisiana deployed backhanded praise for a Clinton rival, Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont, to mock her liberal values. “Give Bernie credit,” Mr. Jindal said, “At least he is honest enough to call himself a socialist.”" NYT

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