Friday, August 28, 2015

Hunter Biden, Russian Agents & Ashley Madison

"Have you all heard about Joe Biden's son and Ashley Madison?  You know what the Ashley Madison website is? It's where if you want to have an affair, you sign up.  You know what they found out about that site?  There are only 12,000 women on it.  The rest, in millions, are men, and most of the women have never even... The female members have never even used it.  It's almost exclusively a male site.  Anyway, Joe Biden's kid is on the site, is a registered member, Hunter Biden, Robert Hunter Biden.  Now, Robert Hunter Biden...He's an advisor to his father's political career, meaning he's a day-to-day advisor, not just on campaigns but every day to day. If Plugs has a question about anything, he goes to Hunter.  He's in that inner group of advisors...
 He claims that agents of Russia registered his name on that site (which means agents of Russia must have known the site was gonna get hacked). And then after that, the hackers must have been able -- the Russian agents must have known the hackers were going to release Biden's name.  This is an all-encompassing thing.  The only problem for Hunter Biden is, and I'll bet many people don't know this, when you sign up...When you register at a website, you know, your phone has GPS in it.  And your location is always registered.  Your latitude and longitude when you sign on to a website, they know where you are.  Even if you turn location services off, your phone can still be tracked.  The location services on your phone gets rid of some trackability, but it doesn't turn off the ability to find out where you are, and the GPS coordinators for Hunter Biden's account trace right to Georgetown University where he works." RUSH

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