Friday, August 21, 2015

Actress Page - Cruz Iowa State Fair

"Actress Ellen Page confronted Republican presidential hopeful Ted Cruz Friday at the Iowa State Fair over his stances on religious liberty.
During his campaign, Cruz has consistently mentioned he would stand up for the religious liberty of Americans, including those who have closed their businesses after backlash due to religious beliefs.

Here's some of the exchange between Page and Cruz:

Cruz: "Does that trouble you at all that you draw a moral equivalence between Christians in Jamaica and radical Islamic terrorists? In ISIS they're beheading children -- they're not morally equivalent. Murder is murder is murder and it's wrong, it's wrong across the board."
"There is a difference between a community like Jamaica – they may have different standard, they may not be celebrating a gay pride parade, but they're not murdering people – if they were murdering people it would be wrong."
Page: "A lot of gay people are getting killed in Jamaica."
Cruz: "But in Iran and ISIS, it is the governmental body that is executing them for being homosexual…"
Page: "Yeah, that's a whole other thing."
Cruz: "…and why does the Obama administration not stand against them?"
Page: "I don't know, I would love to speak with Obama about it."
Cruz: "Well, great, then we're agreed on that." DesMoinesRegister

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