Friday, October 21, 2016

Al Smith Dinner 2016

'What began as the expected ribbing of presidential candidates at the white-tie Al Smith Dinner
Thursday turned to boos as Donald Trump described Hillary Clinton as "corrupt" at the event, which is a major fundraiser for the Catholic charities connected to the Archdiocese of New York.
Trump's biggest laugh of the night came as he referred to his wife's partly plagiarized convention speech, in a joke that began with his complaint that the media is biased.
"Michelle Obama gives a speech and everyone loves it, they think she's absolutely great. My wife, Melania, gives the exact same speech and people get on her case!" Trump said.
And they mostly laughed along when he joked about Clinton accidentally bumping into him back stage and saying "pardon me."
"I very politely replied: Let me talk to you about that after I get into office," Trump landed the punchline. Clinton was seen laughing.
Clinton didn't hesitate to slam Trump for his past comments on women and his ambivalence about accepting next month's election results.
In contrast with Trump, Clinton also made a point of acknowledging both the purpose and the history of the Al Smith dinner and closed her speech with a big-picture campaign message that was tied to the positive focus of Thursday's Catholic fundraiser.
Clinton did receive several loud groans from the audience at several of her jokes. Her top zingers included jabs about Trump dismantling a prompter at a rally last week and her opponent's propensity toward speaking favorably about Russia." NBC

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