Friday, August 7, 2015

Trump bombs in Focus Group

"A Fox News panel of Republican voters had harsh sentiments for real-estate magnate Donald Trump's performance Thursday night during the first Republican presidential debate.
After the debate, Fox's panel of 23 Republican voters voiced their overwhelming disapproval with Trump, citing his "mean".
Before the debate, 14 voters on the panel said they had a favorable view of Trump. After the debate, only three said they still saw the reality-television personality positively.
Trump's refusal to pledge that he would back the eventual Republican nominee did not go over well with the Fox News panel, either.
"I was repulsed by it," one respondent said. "If he runs third party, Republicans lose. Period."
Some polling analysts pointed to the focus group as an example that many voters haven't been paying much attention to the election, which they have suggested may be inflating Trump's poll numbers. The consensus among pollsters is that Trump's high name recognition has helped him shoot to the front of the pack." DB

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