Wednesday, May 4, 2016

PSL candidate La Riva on Trump & Sanders

"The Gloria La Riva for President Campaign remarked on the latest development in the 2016 U.S.
elections. “The frontrunners Trump and Hillary Clinton embody the rigged nature of the elections.
“The Republican Party campaign began with 17 candidates, each trying to outdo the other in bigoted, anti-worker and pro-war rhetoric. Now it has narrowed to Trump, whose openly racist, anti-Muslim and anti-woman threats received billions of dollars of free media publicity, helping to propel him to the forefront,” stated La Riva, reacting to the primary results.
Trump has built such a large and devoted following by taking advantage of the fears and insecurity brought on by the last decade of capitalist crisis and stagnation.” La Riva continued, “We can only stop him by pointing out the true culprits — the big banks and corporations and their loyal servants in Washington, who have slashed living standards across the board and condemned an entire generation to underemployment.”
La Riva added that the surprising victory of Bernie Sanders over Hillary Clinton is evidence that the people are hungry for change: “People in Indiana, particularly young people, have flooded to the polls in favor of the Sanders campaign to reassert their belief in a progressive movement. They are calling for free quality education, housing, and healthcare, and they understand that it’s Wall Street and the banks that have dragged down an entire generation.” IPR

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