Sunday, May 8, 2016

"ENABLER" vs. "Loose Cannon" - Fall Campaign Begins

"An unrestrained Donald Trump called Hillary Clinton an "unbelievably nasty, mean enabler" who "destroyed" the lives of her husband's mistresses during a rally in Oregon on Friday night.
The comments, made during an evening rally in Eugene, Ore., marked the sharpest tone he's taken against the Democratic frontrunner since becoming his party's presumptive nominee, and the first time he's been so direct in referencing Bill Clinton's affairs in months." NBC

"Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton explained her oft-repeated line that Donald
Trump is a “loose cannon” in a pre-taped interview with CBS News’ “Face the Nation” that focused much more on the presumptive GOP nominee than Democratic rival Bernie Sanders.
Being a loose cannon means saying that other nations should go ahead and acquire nuclear weapons for themselves — when that is the last thing we need in the world today,” Clinton said in the interview, airing Sunday. “Being a loose cannon is saying we should pull out of NATO — the strongest military alliance in the history of the world, and something that we really need to modernize, but not abandon.” Politico

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