Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Past 3rd Party Candidates who Endorsed in Iowa

"The Iowa GOP caucus has been won by Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas. Cruz was endorsed by 2008
Libertarian Party nominee Bob Barr, as part of his outreach effort to lowercase-l libertarians that merited a mention in Cruz’s victory speech.

Second place went to Donald Trump, who in 2000 briefly sought the nomination of the Reform Party and has in the past identified as an independent. He has also been endorsed by 2012 Constitution Party nominee Virgil Goode.

 Rand Paul, who worked on his father’s 1988 campaign as the Libertarian Party presidential nominee and campaigned with Ron Paul in the final days before the caucus. Paul’s 2016 candidacy has also been endorsed by 2008 Constitution Party nominee Chuck Baldwin." IPR

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