Friday, October 14, 2016

Emails show Democrat collusion with Media

"Everybody knew it, and now it's being confirmed by the emails that are being dumped: The media
are a wing of the Democratic Party and are doing all they can to rig the election for Hillary Clinton.
A profession that at one time prided itself on the pursuit of evenhanded truth took a turn some time ago. Eventually, the media's mask of objectivity and balance began to slip. Now it's completely off, revealing one ugly mug of bias.
Let's start with the New York Times, that Gray Lady with a heart black with dishonesty. Emails released by WikiLeaks show that Times reporter Mark Leibovich allowed the Clinton campaign to decide which quotations from Clinton that he could and couldn't use in his Times-published work.
Clinton's communications director Jennifer Palmieri closed one email with Leibovich by telling him it was a "pleasure doing business."
Then there's John Harwood, the Times contributor and CNBC correspondent who moderated the Republican presidential debate one year ago. He provided the Clinton camp with tips and bragged about how good it felt to provoke Donald Trump during the debate.
He told John Podesta, Clinton's campaign chairman, to "watch out" for Dr. Ben Carson because he "could give you real trouble in a general" election.
Donna Brazile, a known Democratic operative, has also been implicated. While a contributor at CNN, she forwarded the Clinton campaign a question she knew was coming in a town hall setting. How did she get that question? From inside CNN. Where else?
"From time to time I get the questions in advance," she told Palmieri earlier this year.
When pressed, Brazile naturally denied that she had shared the question.
On the job for the Democrats as well is Univision Chairman Haim Saban. He urged the Clinton campaign to hit Trump harder for the comments he made about Mexicans when he announced his candidacy. Palmieri took the advice as any cooperative colleague would.
"Haim is right," she wrote, "we should be jamming this all the time."
Clinton got top-notch service from the Boston Globe, too, when Op-Ed page editor Marjorie Pritchard emailed Podesta, suggesting the best timing for placement of a piece from the Clinton campaign.
"It would be good to get it in on Tuesday, when she is in New Hampshire. That would give her big presence on Tuesday with the piece and on Wednesday with the news story," Pritchard told Podesta." IBD

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