Monday, July 13, 2015

Trump vs. Obama

"2016 GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump met with Jamiel Shaw, Sabine Durden, Don
Rosenberg, Lupe Moreno, Brenda Sparks and Robin Hvidston, all of whom reportedly lost a family member at the hands of illegal immigrants, reported Breitbart.
Meanwhile, as Trump took time out of his day to sit down with real victims, President Barack Hussein Obama announced plans to visit a federal prison in Oklahoma next Thursday to bitch about “the unfairness” of the criminal justice system, commute the sentences of 22 federal drug offenders, speak directly with inmates and participate in a Vice documentary (H/T The Hill).
According to The Washington Examiner, “Of the more than 2,200 people who received federal sentences for drug possession in fiscal year 2014, almost three-quarters of them were illegal immigrants.” mediaite

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