Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Obama Letters...

"Nearly two weeks after 32-year-old Kathryn Steinle was murdered on San Francisco’s Pier 14 by an
illegal alien and convicted felon who was released from prison earlier this year, President Barack Obama has failed to contact the victim’s family or mention her in public. Yet Obama took the time to write (and release) 46 personal letters this month to felons imprisoned for non-violent drug offenses whose sentences he has commuted."
Not only did he write those letters, he has released them.  Oh, yes. 
Like the 46 felons to whom Obama wrote, Juan Francisco Lopez-Sanchez had served time for non-violent offenses, some of them drug-related. ... Critics have noted that Obama was quick to reach out to the family of Michael Brown, who was killed while charging a police officer in Ferguson, Missouri last year." He's done the same in other similar cases.  Obama sent three personal emissaries to the Gentle Giant's funeral." RUSH

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