Monday, September 19, 2016

Sixty Minutes interviewed Johnson and Weld

"Steve Kroft: Do you really think you have a chance to win?
Gary Johnson: Neither of us would be doing this if we didn’t think that that was a possibility.
Steve Kroft: Let me be a little skeptical here. I mean, right now the people--
Bill Weld: We expected no less.
Steve Kroft: Right. Right. Yeah. The people that do this for a living, to try and do polling, and public
opinion surveys and make odds-- some of the most prominent experts put your chances at about less than one percent, less than one percent.
Steve Kroft: You’re making yourself seem like mainstream candidates. But in fact, you know, your positions and the positions of the party aren’t mainstream, you know. Phasing out Medicare, you’re for doing away with private health insurance-- as a way to bring down medical costs. You’re talking about abolishing the IRS and imposing a 29 percent or 28 percent sales tax, essentially a sales tax. You call it a consumption tax. Talk about eliminating the Department of Homeland Security. I mean, these aren’t exactly mainstream opinion.
Gary Johnson: Well what you can count on the two of us to provide is consistency. We’re going to always be consistent in looking for lower taxes. And much of what you cite is the Libertarian platform which, you know, we are the Libertarian nominees for president and vice president. But we’re not looking to eliminate Medicare. We do believe in a safety net. But there has to be reforms for Medicaid and Medicare and Social Security. And if we’re going to put our heads in the sand, if we say we’re going to do nothing in any of these areas, it’s a fiscal cliff.
Bill Weld: And nobody can tell me that no changes are necessary in Washington. Those bozos think that unless the appropriation of every single account goes up five percent, they call that a cut. Well, that’s not how we approached our state budgets. And that’s not what we would do in Washington either.
Steve Kroft: Do you think most people want to do away with the Department of Homeland Security?
Gary Johnson: Yeah, I do. I do. I think there’s a real skepticism. I mean, really, we have the FBI. Wha-- why another agency? I mean-- and all these Homeland Security cars driving around these days, what are they doing?" 60Minutes

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