Tuesday, August 9, 2016

McMullin's Independent bid to undermine Trump Launched

"Evan McMullin, the conservative Republican and former CIA officer making a late independent
bid for the White House, is poised to get a boost from a new super PAC being formed by two GOP strategists with experience in third-party ballot access.
Kahlil Byrd, who served as chief executive of Americans Elect, a now-shuttered organization that sought to create a pathway for an independent presidential candidate in 2012, and Chris Ashby, a GOP campaign finance attorney who worked on that effort, are together launching a new super PAC called Stand Up America to support McMullin.
Evan McMullin is not in the race to win. He cast his hat into the presidential election ring for one reason and one reason alone: to provide a voting outlet for conservatives who refuse to vote for either Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton, and hesitates to throw their vote to other third-party candidates such as Libertarian Party’s Gary Johnson or Dr. Jill Stein of the Green Party. McMullin’s candidacy presents a chance for anti-Trump Republicans to disassociate themselves for the party’s nominee while holding true to their conservative ideals." IPR

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