Thursday, May 12, 2016

Trump - Ryan meet

"As Donald Trump and Paul Ryan approached their big meeting with Republican leaders on Capitol
Hill, a key detail had been worked out ahead of time: Who, besides the principals, would be in the room?
It was agreed that each man would be allowed a single aide. Trump tapped Paul Manafort, his D.C. fixer, and Ryan chose Kevin Seifert, his political director.
But when the big session was set to begin — after Trump and Ryan had met privately with Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus — the New York billionaire suddenly allowed a flock of his campaign advisers inside.
So Ryan invited in several of his own top hands.
The rapprochement between the GOP's presumed standard-bearer and its top elected official — assuming that's what this is — is clearly a work in progress. The two are on separate planets, ideologically and temperamentally, and one much-hyped morning summit was never going to produce some magical mind-meld.
But now — after a get-together that was described by sources as pleasant, productive, even interesting — Trump and Ryan are waltzing toward "unity," or something approaching it." Politico

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