Friday, May 13, 2016

Royalist Party USA Interview

"RPUSA: Before I begin, I would like to thank the American Third Party Report [ATPR] for
contacting the Royalist Party, USA [RPSUA] to request an interview. Overcoming political invisibility is difficult for American “third parties,” and the RPUSA certainly appreciates the opportunity to promote our altogether unique platform!
ATPR:  Our pleasure Mr. Solomon.  The main goal of the royalist party is to re-establish the Queen of England as the head of state in the United States. Why?
RPUSA: The Royalist Party, USA recognizes that the Crown is our rightful authority, that Queen Elizabeth II has a just claim to the throne of the United States, and that the House of Winsor holds the moral and legal right to reign in Columbia as in Britannia; we seek a return to royal government because the Revolution was illegitimate, and the disestablishment of the monarchy was a grave mistake. As the eminent apologist C. S. Lewis declared in his instant classic, Mere Christianity (I. 5.):" A3PR

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