Saturday, May 7, 2016

Hillary's Veepstakes begin

"Tim Kaine, 58, senator from Virginia and former governor of Virginia
He is, however, a moderate who will not contrast well with Clinton or energize the party's progressive wing. Kaine also voted to fast-track President Obama's Trans-Pacific Partnership, a move that angered most of the left. And his views on abortion are to the right of many Democrats: he’s a practicing Catholic who supported parental consent and informed consent laws in his state.

Julián Castro, 41, secretary of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and former mayor of San Antonio
 ....he doesn't have much experience. Even his tenure as secretary of HUD hasn't earned him many plaudits. He was mayor of San Antonio, the seventh largest city in the U.S., but that's actually a part-time job—most of the running of the city is handled by an unelected city manager. Some worry Castro might not be able to handle the gig if he had to become president. And he doesn't speak Spanish, his parents having spoken only English to him growing up,...

Sherrod Brown, 63, senator from Ohio
He's from Ohio, a key swing state, and, like Kaine, might be able to swing other battleground states in the region. Add to that the fact that he's a pretty liberal guy—he voted against fast-tracking the TPP, for instance—which could help Clinton invigorate the party's progressive wing, who feel pretty burned about Sanders’s looming defeat. He's also known as something of a scrapper who would likely do well in the attack dog role.

Corey Booker, 47, senator from New Jersey and former mayor of Newark
If Clinton wants a black running mate, Booker’s the guy.

Deval Patrick, 59, former governor of Massachusetts
Patrick is black...he took a job at Bain Capital, Mitt Romney's firm, which is kind of a sticking point with the anti-Wall Street crowd.

Al Franken, 64, senator from Minnesota and former cast member of Saturday Night Live
Franken gives the GOP a lot of ammo: many of his remarks from before his career in politics, including his old SNL footage, will be resurfaced if Clinton picks him. And some may worry he doesn't have the temperament for the Oval Office.

Amy Klobuchar, 55, senator from Minnesota
She's a rising star from Minnesota, where the governor will replace her with another Democrat if she steps down to become veep.

Elizabeth Warren, 66, senator from Massachusetts
..... she's a woman. Other than that, she doesn't make much sense at all."


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