Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Green Party Debate

"On May 9th, 2016, three candidates seeking the Green Party presidential nomination participated in a presidential debate on RT America: Kent Mesplay, Sedinam Kinamo Christin Moyowasifsza and Jill Stein.
The threat of Islamic terrorism “was created by the CIA and the Saudis in order to fight the Russians in Afghanistan” before it spread to other parts in the Middle East, Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein said.
“Under a Stein administration, when we turn the White House into a ‘Green House,’ we will ensure that everyone has healthcare as a human right,” Stein said, stressing that the government will have nothing to do with “dictating” the health of US citizens.
 Kent Mesplay said there is a need for a “cultural shift to not have a militarized police force” and stressed a need to “take the money out of the military.”
Stein called the current surrounding of Russia with missiles and nuclear weapons a “Cuban missile crisis on steroids” to which the US is playing a “major instigator role.”
“Election day should be a legal holiday,” Green Party presidential candidate Sedinam Kinamo Christin Moyowasifza-Curry said. The election system is based on an “outdated” concept of the Electoral College and should be entirely “wiped out,” she added." RT

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