Wednesday, March 2, 2016


Super Tuesday Results

March 2, 2016, 6:34 PM ET      
RepublicansAla. 50 del.Alaska 28 Ark. 40 Ga. 76 Mass. 42 Minn. 38 Okla. 43 Tenn. 58 Tex. 155 Vt. 16 Va. 49 Delegates (March 1)
Trump Donald J.       
43% 34% 33% 39% 49% 21% 28% 39% 27% 33% 35% 319 (+237)
Cruz Ted        
21% 36% 31% 24% 10% 29% 34% 25% 44% 10% 17% 226 (+209)
Rubio Marco        
19% 15% 25% 24% 18% 37% 26% 21% 18% 19% 32% 110 (+94)
Kasich John        
4% 4% 4% 6% 18% 6% 4% 5% 4% 30% 9% 25 (+19)
Carson Ben        
10% 11% 6% 6% 3% 7% 6% 8% 4% 4% 6% 8 (+3)
Reporting % Rpt. 100%1009910099961001001001001001,237 to win
1,237 needed to win
DemocratsAla. 60 del.Ark. 37 Colo. 79 Ga. 116 Mass. 116 Minn. 93 Okla. 42 Tenn. 76 Tex. 252 Vt. 26 Va. 110 Delegates (March 1)
Clinton Hillary        
78% 66% 40% 71% 50% 38% 42% 66% 65% 14% 64% 595 (+504)
Sanders Bernie        
19% 30% 59% 28% 49% 62% 52% 32% 33% 86% 35% 405 (+340)
Reporting % Rpt. 100%999910099901001001001001002,383 to win
2,383 needed to win
6:34 PM ET

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