Thursday, March 3, 2016

Beck - Hannity - Sasse Feud over Trump

"Ben Sasse was on and explained his very brave choice of not voting for Trump in the primary. All he did was tell it like he sees it, while refusing to put parties and the establishment ahead of his principles. Well, the internet went wild, saying that we were stumping for Hillary, who we both believe will be a knock out punch for the Republic, corrupt and someone for whom we could never cast a vote… The problem is, we feel the same about Donald, making the only difference between the GOP and the Democrats is that one is in the Whitehouse and the other is not. Ben and I both believe that this is 1860, and the GOP is about to go the way of the Whig Party. I have been warning and predicting this very time for over four years and it has nothing to do with Donald Trump and everything to do with the lies from the Washington elite. After the show Sean came by, took some pictures with our mutual fans and then asked if we could have a few minutes together. I, of course, said sure. We sat behind the staging away from the crowd. He began to talk about Trump and my feelings about him. It is no secret that he supports and believes in Trump. He also knows that I have endorsed Cruz and feel Trump is liberal, progressive, dishonest, and in it for himself.
As we began a friendly but frank conversation, Ben Sasse came around the corner. He said to Sean in no uncertain terms that what Sean was “doing was Bullcrap.” This came as a surprise to both of us as we didn’t see Ben approach. It took Sean off guard and he asked who the man was. He didn’t recognize the senator. Ben introduced himself and it was awkward for a couple of minutes. Ben explained that many from his state were telling him that Sean had said that he was voting for Hillary. Sean responded by saying he never said that, but he did confirm that he said it was half a vote for Hillary. Both Ben and I strongly disagreed and said that we could not vote for another candidate that would cut deals with the establishment. Sean felt that we were wrong. We felt he was wrong." GlennBeck.com

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