Sunday, February 14, 2016

Ron Paul Exposes Sanders

"Bernie Sanders rails about "getting money out of politics" and, unfortunately, so many people have swallowed it hook, line and sinker.

Let's take a look at what Bernie supposedly dislikes:

  • Corporations spot an opportunity to use government force to their advantage,
    and at the expense of everyone else. Government can possibly grant them that big contract or monopoly privilege.
  • Corporations would like to influence the outcome of government force being used in their favor.
  • In order to influence the outcome, corporations give lots of money to politicians.
The answer to this problem is to reduce the powers of government. A government that wields extraordinary powers attracts bribes in the same way that a pot of honey attracts a sleuth of bears. Reduce the size of government, and the bribery must wane.

Sanders, of course, has no interest in reducing the size of government. He wants to expand it further! Not only will expanding the size of government increase the amount of bribery (as it must) but Bernie is swindling his supporters into believing that he's going to decrease the amount of bribery in government!

Talk about snake-oil!

Let's look at the facts on the ground:
  • Bernie Sanders has raised tens of millions of dollars for his "money out of politics" campaign. Just since New Hampshire, he's raised $7.1 million, and he used his speech at the end of the election to fundraise!
  • Bernie supporters spot an opportunity to use government force to their advantage, and at the expense of everyone else. Bernie will supposedly shower them with FREE healthcare, FREE college, FREE, FREE, FREE. It's like an infomercial." LibertyReport

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