Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Palin wades into Carson - Cruz Flap

"Trump supporter Sarah Palin has waded back into the campaign to slam the billionaire’s arch rival
in the race, Ted Cruz.
In a post Wednesday, titled “Dirty Politics: Witnessing Firsthand It’s Always Heartbreaking, Never Surprising,” Palin called out Cruz’s campaign co-chair, Rep. Steven King, for spreading the false rumor that Ben Carson was dropping out of the race ahead of Monday’s caucus.
Carson would later refute the rumors, condemning King’s “dirty tricks,” and assuring voters that he had no plans to leave the race.
Though the issue was more or less settled Tuesday — with Cruz assuming responsibility and apologizing — Trump and his loudest ally aren’t quite ready to let bygones be bygones.
Thank heavens Donald Trump opened so many eyes to the lies, corruption and total lack of accountability that come so naturally to the permanent political class,” Palin began her diatribe. “Which is why it’s so curious — and saddens us — this lack of accountability with the lies of Cruz’s own campaign.” Salon

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