Friday, August 7, 2015

Rubio CNN abortion interview homerun

"Liberal CNN anchor Chris Cuomo on Friday berated Marco Rubio's pro-life stance at Thursday's
debate, deriding it as "backward." The presidential candidate fought back, mocking the journalist's defense of abortion as "radical." Cuomo lectured, "To not have a carve-out for rape and incest is also something that seems very backward-looking in terms of the cultural mores that we have today."
Cuomo warned, "...Cultural mores in this country, certainly the opinions of women, are not in step with what you're saying right now. You're comfortable with that?" 

A rapid fire debate followed on when life began: 
CHRIS CUOMO: I know, but you're deciding when it is human life. Let me ask you something. You - when you're looking at the future -
MARCO RUBIO: No, science has decided when it is human life. 
CUOMO: Science has not decided it's at conception.

RUBIO: No, let me correct you. Science has -- absolutely it has.
CUOMO: Not at conception.
RUBIO: Science has decided that when a - science has concluded -- absolutely it has. What else can it be? It cannot turn into an animal. I can't turn into a donkey. That's the law. The only thing that that can become is a human being.
CUOMO: But you - no, but you know that the law has perused this. The fact that - look, of course, I understand the logic but it's a little too simple with -
RUBIO: Every human - human like. It can't be anything else
Firing back at the journalist, Rubio informed, "Well, that's a radical position that you've taken on." 

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