Friday, August 7, 2015

O'Mlley in Iowa on the race

"O'Malley, Democratic candidate for president, is standing precariously atop a small wooden chair in
the back of Diggers Rest Coffeehouse in Burlington, Iowa. It's a blisteringly hot July morning, yet the former Maryland governor—....starts rolling through his stump speech.
"I have not been here in about 30 years—make that 32 years," he says. "Back then, I was organizing for a little known senator from Colorado running for president with 1 percent name recognition. His name was Gary Hart." The politically savvy audience smiles, recalling their state's role in turning Hart from a national nonentity into a top contender for the 1984 Democratic nomination. O'Malley beams even brighter: "I know, delusional idea, right?"
 But an enduring rule of Iowa politics, the candidate reminds listeners, is that "the inevitable front-runner is always inevitable right up until caucus night." (That would be Hillary.) Rule No. 2: "The challenger who is surging in July is never the candidate who is surging in January." (That would be Bernie Sanders.) Here, the governor erupts in laughter." NationalReview

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