Monday, August 10, 2015

Obama 3rd Term???

"In a Monmouth University poll released Monday morning, President Obama’s claim that he could
win a third White House term if he were to run in 2016 is put to the test — and fails."Under our Constitution, I cannot run again," Obama said during a recent trip to Ethiopia, adding, “I think if I ran, I could win.
According to the Monmouth Poll, Obama should be glad he can’t run again.
Sixty-eight percent of respondents said they would vote for someone else, while only 26 percent said they would be willing to give the president four more years.
Though an understandably low number of Republicans would cast their vote for a third Obama term (5 percent), he polls at just 23 percent with independents. Even Democrats aren’t so sure they’d want Obama back in the Oval Office: 43 percent would vote for another candidate.
Meanwhile, Obama’s job approval rating appears to be holding steady with Democrats — 79 percent versus 80 percent in Monmouth’s July poll.
But his disapproval ratings are up with both Republicans (85 percent versus 80 percent) and independents (52 percent versus 48 percent)." TheHill

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