Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Woodward: Bush didn't lie about Iraq

 "RUSH: I have to tell you, folks, do you realize how tough it probably was for Bob Woodward to admit both of these things?  That, A, Bush didn't lie. And then, in the second sound bite, essentially saying that the loss of Iraq is Obama's fault?  Now, that has to be a tough thing for Bob Woodward to say, because Obama's his guy.

RUSH: The Republican presidential candidates are being hit with, "Well, knowing what you know
now, would you go back into Iraq?"  And they've mostly accepted the premise that Iraq was a big boondoggle, a huge mistake, Bush lied, we shouldn't have done it, and they're answering on that basis.
WOODWARDThere's a kind of line going along that Bush and the other people lied about this.  I spent 18 months looking at how Bush decided to invade Iraq.  Lots of mistakes, but it was Bush telling George Tenet, the CIA director, don't let anyone stretch the case on WMD, and he was the one who was skeptical.  A mistake certainly can be argued and there's an abundance of evidence, but there was no lie in this, that I could find.

 Chris Wallace said, "What about 2011 and Obama's decision to pull all the troops out? There had been the Status of Forces Agreement between Bush and the Iraqi government that provided for a follow-on force. The Pentagon was talking about somewhere between 10 and 20,000. A lot of people think Obama didn't really want to keep any troops there."
WOODWARDLook, Obama does not like war, but as you look back on this, the argument from the military was, let's keep, 10, 15,000 troops there as an insurance policy, and we all know insurance companies make sense.  When you're a superpower you have to buy these insurance policies, and he didn't in this case.  I don't think you can say everything is because of that decision, but clearly a factor." RUSH

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